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Our Campaign

Whilst there is some reference to food education in primary schools taught through the statutory curricula of: Science, Design and Technology and PSHE, it is an inferior part of several subjects with little time and attention devoted to it - we know this first-hand as teachers by profession. Give. Help. Share’s aims are not just ‘giving’ and ‘helping’, but ‘sharing’ too – sharing food knowledge at a crucial stage of growth when children embark on making independent choices and determining behaviours that impact their existing and future health.

Children require this educational input as without it, as evidenced by the UK’s recent National Food Strategy report (2021), children consumed significantly less fruit and vegetables during lockdown together with an increased intake of convenience food and unhealthy snacks . These findings are commensurate with food insecurity and with diets that are lower in essential vitamins and minerals – all contributory factors to children developing nutrient deficiency.

Therefore, Give. Help. Share. have embarked on a campaign to equip children with food and nutrition knowledge to make better, healthier and more informed food choices for the chance of improved lifelong health behaviours – and most notably ‘sharing’  this knowledge for improved wellbeing for the whole family.

Our Campaign


Education sessions comprise of:

  • Lower sugar snack swaps

  • The journey of a sugar cube - what sugar does to your body

  • Components of a healthy diet - how to make healthy food choices

  • Reducing food waste in school and at home

  • How to buy healthy food on a budget

  • How to prepare basic meals and snacks

  • Why individuals suffer from diet-related disease and how to combat it

  • Where food comes from - how it grows, is produced and manufactured

  • Sustainable eating - choosing foods that are good to our environment and bodies

  • Understanding marketing messages on food packaging

Workshops are facilitated by a hands-on food bag and the children participate in sampling and making food, as well as art and drama activities.

To book your sessions, please email us here.

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